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Baby desserts

Baby desserts can bring us headlong and if we add that with the little time we have we want to give them quality and rich in nutrients, then it becomes even more complicated.

When the baby begins solid feeding is when we can begin to give baby desserts. The introduction of desserts is very important in your daily diet, so that you do not lack the necessary vitamins and grow and develop properly.

In order not to fall into the routine, it is best to give them fruit or a dairy as a dessert with their meal. And leave the bottle or cereal for dinner. What is important is not to solve baby desserts with any sugary and industrial product such as pastries or sweets.

Preferably fruit in baby desserts

A piece of fruit in pieces suitable for the baby to take in his hand and bite into it is a good option. In any case, you have to vary and do not always offer the fruit in the same way as it could get tired.

Frozen fruit in the shape of a lolly is another possible option for the summer. Compotes with fruits such as banana or strawberry cream, melon are also good options.

The most important thing is to vary the textures, flavors and the presence of fruit. We will make dessert your favorite moment of meals.

Dairy products

Dairy in all variants are perfect baby desserts to combine with fruit. It will be necessary to choose simple dairy products, reserving those that contain the highest percentage of sugar for special days. We are talking about those that contain chocolate, custard or custard.

Liquid yogurts are the favorites for our babies, but it is also a good suggestion to resort to a piece of cheese. The smoothies, the fruit salads, everything is allowed and they are great options.


Cookies are the great allies for snacks and baby desserts. Simple cookies type Maria would get us out of a lot of trouble, but if we have time to cook those that are based on oats and bananas, they are much healthier. They are simple to make, mashing banana with oat flakes, making the shape and putting them in the oven. A solution that does not contain sugar or salt and is really healthy.

Baby desserts based on cereal porridge

Cereal-based porridges are perfect as a dessert at dinners and the introduction of cereals is essential for the transition to a solid diet. Oatmeal porridges, rich in manganese and phosphorus, are important in the formation of bones and teeth. As they do not contain gluten, they can take them from 6 months. Rice cream porridges, rich in iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

From 6 months on, you could already try gluten, a multigrain porridge has great nutritional value.

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