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Baby massages. Let’s relax them!

Let’s see how to massage our baby and recommendations to make it a very special moment. Massages for babies in addition to relaxing them, relieve colic but above all it has many benefits.

When to start giving baby massages?

It is recommended that the best time to start giving our baby massages is when he has reached his first month of life. Once we have started with that routine, maintain it over time regardless of how old you are.

What time of day is the most suitable?

Identifying the best moment will help you so that your baby enjoys that special moment. It is preferable that the baby is neither tired nor sleepy. Nor is it a better time when it is especially active, since it could reject our massage. The best time is when he is relaxed and receptive to physical contact and our words.

A good time can be to incorporate it into the bathroom routine, but also late in the day or even first thing in the day. Everything will depend on trying when our baby enjoys that moment.

What to keep in mind before starting the massages

First, the comfort of both the baby and ours is paramount. The temperature must be correct since our baby is naked, and the lighting is soft. A good option is to play relaxing music in the room.

The Spanish Association of Infant Massage recommends using an oil, preferably organic, vegetable and fragrance-free. It is better to use oil before cream.

We will have to wash our hands well before starting and not have objects such as rings on our hands. The oil will be applied on our hands and not directly on the baby’s skin, making sure that they are not cold.

To receive the massage, the baby will lie on his back on a comfortable and stable surface. It can be a bed, or a mat on the floor or the changing table itself.

The pressure that you will exert with your fingers will be modulated as the baby is turning months and gaining muscle tone.

The baby massage begins

Start by placing your hands on the baby’s torso, so that he gets used to your touch and also thus identifies that the ritual begins.

Later we will begin the massage with your lower extremities, first one foot and then the other. Slow, gentle movements down to the ankle. Then the sole of the foot with our thumb.

We will then go through the leg until we reach the groin. Our massage will end by holding your leg with our hands on the thigh area, making rotating and energetic movements.

Later we will move gently to the abdomen, from the top of the abdominal cavity until reaching under the navel. They will be like caresses from top to bottom. These massages are especially helpful in relieving colic discomfort. Let’s not forget their little arms and even their hands.

The back massage will be the same as the one we have performed on the abdomen, and by placing it face down we will be helping it to strengthen the muscles of the neck. Once he is able to sit alone, we can do the massage sitting down.

Finish your massage with a hug and kisses for your baby, to thank him for such a wonderful moment together.

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