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Our baby’s first tooth

We will always be very excited to see our baby get his first tooth. It seems unbelievable how the months have passed…

We will always be very excited to see our baby get his first tooth. It seems unbelievable how the months have passed…

Appearance of our baby’s first tooth

The appearance of our baby’s first tooth does not have an exact date. Some babies may not have any teeth by their first birthday, although it usually appears after 6 months and the front teeth are almost always the first to appear.

If you are wondering when children have all their milk teeth, we will tell you that it is usually at 3 years of age.

Fluoride at 6 months

It is advisable to add fluoride to our baby’s diet from 6 months, to prevent dental caries and strengthen tooth enamel. Talking to your pediatrician about it will be the best option since the good news is that fluoride is incorporated into tap water.

Soothe pain

When babies start teething, they start to drool a lot more than usual and their gums around the tooth may be swollen or tender.

Massaging the gums with your very clean fingers will help them withstand these discomforts. Also normal teethers or even cold ones will help soothe their pain. What you do have to take into account is to prevent them from having liquid inside them when they are suitable for refrigerators.

For babies whose discomfort seems unbearable, ask the pediatrician as sometimes he will prescribe paracetamol or ibuprofen especially for babies.

Fluoride toothpaste from your first tooth

As soon as your child’s first tooth comes in, it’s time to start using fluoride toothpaste. You should ask your pediatrician for advice on what type of toothpaste to use or when to start using it, since he will be closely monitoring the evolution of his teeth.

Prevention of dental caries

An important tip to prevent dental cavities is not to let your baby fall asleep with the bottle. Milk could cause tooth decay and plaque.

The pacifier should never be dipped in sugar, honey, sweet liquids, etc. and avoid eating foods and drinks rich in sugar when you are a little older.

Good dental habits from the baby’s first years of life will be decisive for their teeth to be strong and healthy.

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