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Cats and babies – Compatible coexistence?

It is very likely that if you have cats in your house, you will have doubts about whether the coexistence between cats and babies is possible or if, on the contrary, it poses some danger. In this post, we will try to help clear up any doubts that may arise.

Before the baby arrives

What you have to achieve is that their coexistence is totally compatible, and this is not difficult to achieve. First of all, cats will see babies as aliens. Babies make strange and shrill noises when they cry, they smell different and their behavior is not what cats are used to when it comes to humans. For this reason, it will be necessary to be very aware of the first reactions of the cat with the baby.

Jealousy between cats and babies

As if it were another child, we should not put aside our pet’s routines and try as much as possible not to be affected by the arrival of the baby. The first approaches are fundamental, and for this reason it would be good for our cat to begin to become familiar with the smell of our baby. One suggestion is to give him a baby’s clothes or blanket so that he could smell it and become familiar with the smells.

That the cat associates that smell with something positive, you can do it while you caress it or even offer a treat. This will be a good way to get your relationship off to a good start.

The first approaches between cats and babies

It is logical that our cat is curious, and we can let it approach carefully while we caress it and talk to it temperately. If you trust your cat, you can let him approach very gently and if you are not sure that he may react badly, move him away but very gently, without scaring or punishing him.

If the cat is scared by the baby’s behavior, you should never force it and let it gradually stop being afraid. It will come back, don’t worry.

Hazards to avoid

You should not take your eyes off the baby when the cat is around. If the baby is sleeping, it is preferable that the door remains closed since, as you know, cats have amazing agility and could get into their crib.

You will also have to check if the baby suffers from an allergic reaction on his skin, and if so, consult with the pediatrician what measures to take.

Trim your cat’s nails regularly to minimize the risk of scratching. Vaccines and deworming of cats have to be up to date especially when they are going to live with our baby.

The cat has to know from the beginning that there are certain moments that you will not attend to it, such as when you have the baby in your arms, or when it is eating and of course when our baby sleeps.

You will have to be very careful when the baby begins to crawl, that he can never access our cat’s litter box.

Enjoying as a family with cats and babies

The coexistence between cats and babies is possible and will be a delight, as long as you take the necessary precautions and your house is in optimal cleaning conditions. You will all enjoy very nice and endearing moments together, between cats and babies.

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