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Chocolate and babies

Chocolate is a food that every adult loves. It is a luxury to enjoy its knowledge, although to eat it you have to know how to eat in moderation so as not to gain more weight than necessary, avoiding having too much fat in the body.

As it is a food that we like so much, we surely wonder when is the ideal time to give it to the little ones in the house to try.

Keep in mind that there are different ones to know which one is the best for the baby, we are going to comment on its characteristics first.

Chocolate powder

It is a sugary preparation that is very easy to digest, specially designed for babies. It does not contain fatty ingredients like the chocolate bar. It is the chocolate that the little ones in the house usually consume.

From 15 months, which is when babies begin to reject some foods, and it is more difficult for them to drink milk alone if they do not like the taste, cocoa powder can be added.

Chocolate bar

The chocolate bar is a mixture of cocoa butter, sugar and natural cocoa. Cocoa provides many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins, but it must also be taken into account that it has a substance that is too stimulating for children called theobromine.

In this case, until after two years, it is not recommended that they try it in tablets or chocolates. The same happens with the melt used in desserts, because in this case, it has a higher degree content and is very difficult to digest.

Chocolate mousse and melted chocolate

From the age of three, you can already give the child the melted or mousse (always in moderation). You can even mix it with fruit, becoming a food that they will love as you love it.


We have to know that chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine. This proportion does not affect adults but it does affect babies, causing negative reactions.

For all these reasons, babies under one year of age should avoid it at all costs, it being preferable to extend it up to two years. Dark and milk chocolate are the ones that contain the most caffeine, and white chocolate in less quantity, but the latter is that it contains more sugars, so it is not recommended either.

Remember that the sugars they contain could cause dental cavities that would affect your future teeth.

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