Growth and development of your baby with 1 month

Little by little you are getting used to the rhythms of your baby. What at first seemed chaotic is now becoming lighter and more automatic, am I right? We will see in this post the progress regarding its growth and development.

The quarantine is coming to an end and your body is beginning to feel more comfortable as well.

It is very common for us to become obsessed with weight and height … will it be within the percentile? Do not be obsessed with it, because each baby has its own growth and development rate.

During the first month the baby will grow between 3 and 4 centimeters, but as we have commented previously, this is not decisive as it varies from one baby to another and it is the pediatrician who will tell you if the height and weight parameters are adequate.

Boys usually weigh around 4.5 kilos and girls 4.2 kilos, as well as their height in boys around 54.8 centimeters and in girls 53 centimeters.

We imagine that you begin to interpret why your baby is crying, hungry, hot or cold, being wet or uncomfortable, feeling alone … This is something that always worries us, but little by little you begin to interpret what the current need is with that cry.


Feeding your one-month-old baby, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, should be based on exclusive and on-demand breastfeeding up to six months.

But, not all moms can breastfeed and have opted for formula-based feeding, always following the pediatrician’s instructions on which formula is best for optimal development.


We know that it can be very exasperating that the baby does not sleep and cries tirelessly, especially if it happens at night making you stay awake. Relax, this will gradually pass.

The one-month-old infant does not sleep for many hours at a time, but it is because his stomach is small and needs to be filled many times. That is why night shots are the most common. Now, if it is not like that and he sleeps completely, do not wake him up to do it, unless the pediatrician tells you otherwise.


His vision is black and white, but he cannot see beyond 10 inches. The images are blurred. As for the ear, they come as a set of echoes.

At first it may seem like you are doing nothing but eating, sleeping and crying but by the end of this first month you will be more alert and receptive. Your body will begin to move, especially your hands, which you will be able to bring to your mouth.

Your sleep is your best entertainment and bath time is a good time to bond.

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