His first words – When do they occur?

From three months on, the baby discovers his voice and finds it very funny. There he begins to experiment himself with different sounds that come out of his little throat, but it will still be a few months before he begins to say his first words.

About six months the babbling and mixing of consonants begins, such as “ta-ta-ta-ta” in a repetitive way.

Around 8-10 months, sometimes even earlier, babies begin to say their first combined words similar to the words we adults use. They are emitted in isolation and stop being just babbling, starting to make a certain sense. They are usually referred to certain objects or situations. Some words like “no” or “goodbye” can be understood.

And the most desired word such as “mom” or “dad” does not usually arrive until the end of 12 months.

Around 18 months, they will expand their vocabulary and will already introduce verbs or connectors, Many of the words they emit, it will be necessary to deduce or guess what they want to say and it is most likely that parents will finally understand what they are trying to say but not like that the rest of the people. For example, the word “apato” can mean different things, such as duck or shoe, since they usually put the article “a” to many of their words.

His first words

The first words that babies usually utter are those that parents have repeated the most.

Understandable words like “dad” or “mom” are the first words they usually say and they will also make us very excited. Others such as “no”, “give me”, “come”, “water” or “more” will follow. So will onomatopoeias like “woof woof” to refer to dogs, or “brum brum” for cars or trucks.

Up to two years, they can repeat about 50 words although they really know the meaning of 200, but after two years, the progress is spectacular.


As we have commented previously, babies learn by imitation, therefore to stimulate speech it is convenient to talk a lot while looking directly at their faces. Telling him what you are going to do helps him. For example “now mom is coming to give you a good night kiss.”

Reading to him is also very positive if we also introduce sounds with different intonations, drawing his attention. Songs that repeat words or sounds greatly stimulate the baby.

When he begins to utter his first words, do not stop correcting him so that he understands the correct way to say it. You will have to do it on numerous occasions, but we know that you will not mind and that it will be something that will produce a lot of tenderness.

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