
5 Ways To Leave The Diaper That Work

When babies are about to turn two years of age or a little earlier, that is when our doubts begin about which will be the most effective method to put down the diaper.

Failure of the methods may be due to various errors.

  • The baby is not ready yet
  • Mistakes have been made in learning and you have to start over
  • Other physiological reasons not taken into account

Let’s go with the 5 methods that we have selected that work for your baby to leave the diaper. Now it’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your baby.

Montessori method

This method is recommended by the well-known pedagogue María Montessori. It emphasizes that the baby must be prepared for it. Some will be before 2 years and others between 2 and 3 years.

For this we must adapt the bathroom with a urinal, a step to climb or an adapter.

This method is explanatory and be attentive to their gestures, recommending not to sit on the potty or toilet out of obligation or for long periods of time. Seek motivation and do not reprimand if there are leaks.

Rosillo method in 5 steps

The method to leave the diaper suggested by Teresa Rosillo is to find a time of day to go to the bathroom and always be the same. Recommend that it be before your bath or upon waking up in the morning. Even if nothing comes out, the child must spend a minute creating routine.

The second step is to create another time a day to go to the bathroom and repeat the previous exercise.

If you manage to pee several times in the toilet or urinal you would be ready and begin the third step. In this third step, the child would be taken to the bathroom for two or three hours without asking and do not put the diaper on again.

The fourth step is for stool control. Sit him on the toilet or urinal after breakfast, less than 10 minutes and not less than 5 minutes.

The fifth step would be to remove the diaper at nap or at night. If after applying the previous four steps we see that the diaper is dry for several days, then it is time to remove the diaper.

Fellom method in 3 days

Julie Fellom’s method of putting on her diaper is to leave the baby naked at home from the waist down for 3 days. In addition, a urinal will have to be placed in each of the rooms in your house.

A month before starting this action, he must accompany you to the bathroom so that he understands how to do it and a week before, you tell him that next week he will no longer be wearing diapers.

If the child goes out to the street, he will be dressed but without a diaper, although he can wear it at night.

The first day he starts, you have to give him more liquid and when you see that he feels like it, take him to the nearest potty. At first he will have leaks but do not scold him, but explain how he should do it.

The second day you can go outside as soon as I pee. In his backpack he carries change clothes and a portable potty. Use the potty if he asks you to pee.

On the third day you can go outside twice, always after having peed and without forgetting your backpack.

AAP method (American Academy of Pediatrics)

This method of putting down the diaper consists of giving him a potty and explaining what it is for.

The urinal will be placed in a practical place, always the same, so that the child can use it easily. Let him sit on it with clothes on before he needs it. At the same time you let the child see you using the bathroom.

Ask him frequently if he feels like going and take him to the potty when he needs it.

It is advisable to leave him without a diaper when you see that the diaper is dry for several days.

For the night we will have to wait a little longer and will continue to use the diaper.

AEP method (Spanish Pediatric Association)

It begins with a period of imitation. During the day, do not put a diaper on him so that he can tell when he has peed. You can wear loose underwear and we will teach you how to raise and lower it.

We will sit you on the potty for a few minutes, no more than 5 minutes after each meal and every 2 or 3 hours, offering you plenty of fluids to make you want more.

We will praise with words, hugs and caresses for your effort and we will not scold you if it escapes you.

It shouldn’t be long after the day diaper is removed from the night diaper.

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