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A good diaper essential for baby’s sleep

Sleeping is one of the fundamental pillars for the good development of the baby, both physical and cognitive. According to experts, when a baby does not sleep well, they do not have the same predisposition to learning and they do not secrete the right amount of growth hormone. Therefore, it is important as a mother and as a father to provide and guarantee a good rest. One of the causes of not having a good sleep can be due to the choice of diaper.

The night is the longest period in which our baby’s skin is in contact with urine and feces, since while they sleep they pee between 3 and 4 times while they sleep. Skin receptors detect moisture and act as alarm signals in the baby.

A diaper needs to absorb urine quickly, moving urine away from the baby’s skin and preventing urine from rising back up to the surface of the diaper. It is also essential that it allows the baby’s skin to breathe, in short, that it is breathable.

Diaper area dermatitis is the most frequent pathology in babies from 0 to 3 years old, the main causes being humidity, increased pH and the activity of fecal enzymes.

For our baby to have a good rest, choosing a good diaper is essential. A good diaper that lasts dry throughout the night, makes the baby much more comfortable, without feeling wet or cold, and also if we do not have to change the diaper at night because that diaper stays dry during the night hours, we avoid the risk that the baby wakes up while we change the diaper.

Diaper type

We can suggest among many of the brands that have special diapers for the night, the Huggies brand, especially Huggies overnites.

This same firm has diapers of more varieties such as these hypoallergenic ones.

Huggies on AMAZON

In any case, whichever brand you choose, you will have to make sure that the baby’s skin remains free of moisture during the night. With this we are going to contribute to guaranteeing our baby’s sleep and therefore helping him to develop both physically and cognitively from birth.

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