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Babies special Christmas decorations

If this Christmas we take the opportunity to have crafts for our baby, rest assured that they will be your favorite Christmas decorations.

We are going to suggest different simple crafts where your baby will be present in every corner of your house. Some of them you can do with it and you will love them.

Hands and feet on the Christmas tree

These suggestions are sure to delight you, because you can capture the imprint of your baby’s hand or foot and decorate the Christmas tree with them.

To carry out these crafts you will only need smooth balls and paint. There are special hand paints for the little ones in the house and if you are looking for bright colors, impregnating their little hand and footprint well, you can have these original decorations.

With salt paste you can also make ornaments similar to these and later decorate them with colors. It will serve as a souvenir and every year you can have your special tree ornament with its footprints.

You can make many kinds of decorations with their footprints. We show you some different examples made with cardboard.

Christmas decorations as a magnet

Other types of ornaments can be of this type, where a photo of your baby will suffice that you can later decorate, laminate and put a magnet so that it is present in your fridge.

With a little imagination, surely you can think of a thousand ways to place photos of your baby in the rooms of the house in Christmas format (garlands, lanterns, Christmas stars, etc.).

Special Christmas tree for older babies

Slightly older babies can also have their special Christmas tree for them where they can place all the felt Christmas decorations that you can think of. In addition to introducing them to Christmas, it will be a toy that will excite them.

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