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Baby safety harness

It is very likely that you are wondering whether or not it is appropriate and advisable to use a safety harness for our baby. If this doubt arises, always remember that at some point our baby can run away and this forces us to go behind, with the consequent risk that it can entail if it is close to a road, for example.

A safety harness prevents the child from falling when he begins to walk or prevents the parents from half crouching by grabbing him below the shoulders. It also prevents small children from getting lost at specific times, being very useful for such occasions.

Using the safety harness does not entail any type of contraindication from a medical point of view, therefore it depends directly on our choice.

In this post, we will see some harnesses that achieve the appearance that said strap does not give the feeling that we carry our little one as if it were a pet, since this point is what often leads us to reject its use.

Safety Harness Benefits

The use of this accessory provides greater freedom to the baby, since he is much freer to move his arms forward while walking. Not having to hold the baby while walking, on the one hand, makes the baby balance on its own, and on the other hand, we will not be semi crouched.

It prevents the child from escaping or getting lost, especially if we are doing more tasks at the same time. What we do have to be especially careful about is when to start using it, and it is recommended that it be when our baby is ready to walk.

First steps harness

This type of harness prevents children from falling when they start to walk. The safety harness provides support for the baby’s back and spine. Made of soft washable cotton, it also includes two pacifier holders.

Harness first steps on AMAZON

Another type of first steps harness is this one that we show you, with a double protection function. In this case it is a vest.

Vest model on AMAZON

Anti loss backpack

Anti-loss backpacks are very effective at certain times, especially if there are crowds of people. The option to hook the strap or not is very useful.

4 in 1 security backpack

We find this other 4-in-1 model since it has the anti-loss backpack, also a 2-meter retractable wrist bracelet that locks with a key that can only be opened by the parents, without being able to be cut, and finally it also has two straps so that Serve as a first steps harness.

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