Baby’s pajamas – What is the best choice?

Choosing the right pajamas for our baby can be a difficult task as we do not know which fabric is the most appropriate for their delicate skin. We are going to give you a few tips to make it easier for you when choosing your baby’s pajamas.

Keep in mind that babies usually spend most of the day dressed in their pajamas because newborn babies sleep 16 to 17 hours a day and when they turn one year old they will still sleep between 13 and 14 hours a day.

The choice of baby’s pajamas

The baby’s pajamas have to be warm but not overwhelming. We should not overcoat the baby because probably, if so, he will wake up more and sweat and this among other reasons such as not resting properly, can cause him to catch a cold more easily.

In the event that it is summer and hot, it is also recommended that you sleep in cool pajamas that can be with short sleeves or even sleeveless. Remember that it is not advisable to sleep with air conditioning in the room, although we can cool it beforehand before bedtime.

The baby’s pajamas should allow freedom of movement, as well as have openings and buttons so that it is easy to put them on and fasten them when leaving the bathroom or when we have to change their diapers. This task must be quick and easy to prevent them from catching cold.

In the market we can find a wide range of bodysuits, pajamas, rompers with clasps in the crotch or back that allow us to change without having to undress completely.

The baby’s pajamas that have a built-in foot are highly recommended because it guarantees that the baby is warm and with the feet protected.

As for the fabrics, they must be soft, light and breathable. Cotton is the most appropriate for the little ones. If the days are colder, then we recommend thick pajamas.

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