
Bicycle baby carrier – Family and sport together

If you have family and babies, it does not mean that you have to give up your hobbies. Everything is compatible if you use the right products. To take your baby on your bike ride, you must use bicycle baby carrier specially designed for baby’s safety.

Let’s not forget that taking a baby on a bicycle should always be done by an adult and never by another child. And our baby must always be protected with a helmet. In this sense, there is a huge variety on the market with very original designs.

There are different types of bicycle carriers, let’s see what types you can choose:

Front baby carrier

This model is used on the front bar of the bicycle (includes the bar) and is homologated. It comes with a footrest and safety straps so that your little feet are not free, as well as a 5-point safety harness. The best thing is that it works for all types of bicycles.

The advantage of the front seats is that you do not lose control of the child and communication is also viable. They are more stable in terms of weight. It also has disadvantages such as the limitation of the rider’s space.

Rear baby carrier

The bicycle baby carrier that we will show you from the Thule brand, has a DualBeam suspension system, which absorbs the shocks of the road. Specifically, this model comes with flexible straps and footrests, which will allow us to use this model from 9 months to 6 years. It has reflector and security light and key with padlock included.

As for the positive of the rear bicycle carrier, it should be said that to date there are more models of this type on the market, in addition, the little one has greater freedom of movement and is better protected in case of falls.

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