1 to 2 Year Old Child Development – The Action Begins!
The development of children from 1 to 2 years old varies depending on their rhythm but in general terms we will give some guidelines to know what they are capable of doing.
At this age they already stand up and begin to take their first steps. First with help and then without it. They can also manipulate larger objects. About 15 months they drink from a cup and generally by 16 they walk alone. Some at 18 months are already running. And at 2 years they go up and down stairs.
We must always bear in mind that each child has his own rhythm, so in this post we will comment in a general way on the development he may have. That it does not do what we indicate or that it does more than what we comment, has no greater relevance, it is all a matter of its rhythm.
At 12 or 13 months they already take the bottle by themselves and begin to use the spoon and fork.
Up to two years they do not use one hand preferentially. They can throw objects with one hand.
1-year-old children already have a formed fundus and tears are normal. Visual acuity is almost complete after 18 months.
Both eyes should receive visual stimuli equally, if not, it would be necessary to consult with the pediatrician.
From 15 months they already look at the illustrations of stories with interest and recognize the objects.
Hearing and Language
At 12 months children already know the meaning of many words and the name of mom and dad. It is when their first words also begin.
Between 15 and 18 he already points to parts of his body if they are named and even some objects.
From the age of 18 he understands simple questions and answers with yes or no.
12-month-olds already come when called and can help get dressed at 13 months, even playing hide-and-seek.
At 2 years of age they begin to play with other children, but not yet with shared games.