Growth and development of your baby at 6 months

Your baby is already half a year old! He has already turned 6 months old and his growth and development is increasing, now he already recognizes the different tones of his mother’s voice.

His movements are no longer so fortuitous but intentional, he even raises his arms to ask to be caught. It is already capable of holding and moving objects and even taking the bottle with both hands. He also begins to put everything in his mouth. Be very careful with this! Do not leave small objects within reach.

You can now support your back when sitting down and prop yourself up on your hands when on your stomach. And if you hold him by the little hands, he can jump.

He perfectly recognizes his relatives and not only his parents and is able to recognize emotional nuances.

As you can see, its growth and development continues to occur at a more dizzying pace now.


From 6 months, breastfeeding can be supplemented with other foods. Normally it begins with cereals added to milk, taken in baby food or bottle.

Then the fruits begin, such as the banana, pear and apple. And later the vegetables, soup pasta or rice cream.

The important thing is to do it little by little and gradually so that you get used to the precise rhythm.

Sleep, movement and bath

Around 6 months is the right time to move the baby into his own room. It is uncomfortable at first, but this will help you gain intimacy with your partner.

It is very likely that he is already crawling, so it is time to watch closely what is close to him and what he can find.

Bath time is a very special moment. Adapt the bathroom light to natural or dim light. Make sure the temperature is right by inserting a thermometer into the water (it should be between 35 and 37 degrees). Seek maximum silence since it is a time where stress has no place and take advantage of talking to him, singing to him, playing with him.

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