Growth and development of your baby with 3 months

Your baby has turned 3 months !! Congratulations on your third birthday. His weight will range between 6-7 kilos and in terms of his height, at the end of this third month he will have increased about 10 centimeters compared to when he was born.

Let’s see its growth and development with 3 months, and what progress it has experienced.

What progress can you make?

Now he will open and close his hands, make sounds and even raise his head 45 degrees if he is face down, and among other achievements, he will move his legs and arms with great energy.

In terms of vision, he will be able to follow a moving object, although his vision will not fully develop until six months. He distinguishes a range of colors and begins to distinguish what depth is. Of all the colors, you will be fascinated by the colors red, blue or green.

It can already better define the characteristics of familiar faces and will even try to touch your mouth or your eyes and nose. You will also watch faces closely and recognize familiar people at a distance.

He will try to hit the hanging objects with his hands and grasp and shake the toys in his hands and begin to imitate some sounds.

He repeats patterns according to his needs, these patterns being his way of communicating, for example rubbing his eyes, yawning or it is because he is tired. If he puts his fist in his mouth, he is most likely hungry.


If your baby wakes up to eat at night, it is very likely that nighttime feedings will start to decrease. You still continue breastfeeding or bottle feeding as a source of food.

Those who are fed with breast milk do not usually become constipated because breast milk contains ingredients that help make their stools soft. But if you notice that your baby makes hard stools, like balls, or that he is straining and not getting anything to come out or Even if it stains the diaper with a little blood, do not hesitate to go to your pediatrician.


Now the little one begins to be more active and does not sleep as much. You will sleep about 15 hours a day, 10 being at night and the other five divided into naps.

It must be taken into account that it depends a lot on each baby, since there are babies who need to sleep much more and others who will not need to sleep at all. If your baby is fine and happy, you shouldn’t worry if he sleeps less than expected, because he probably won’t need it.

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