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Magical Christmas – Plans with our baby

Keep in mind some plans to carry out with your baby this Christmas, you and the youngest of the house will love it. It will undoubtedly be a magical Christmas for the whole family, especially being the first or the first Christmas with our baby.

Let’s see what plans to make with our baby.

Assemble the Christmas tree and decorations

Your baby will love to see how you decorate the house with Christmas lights, colors and decorations. If it is very small it will not say or express great emotions, but as you know the sounds, lights and colors will attract a lot of attention. You will perceive and be stimulated by these novelties loaded with color and illusion.

If he was already close to two years old, he would be ready to help you put up the Christmas decorations and take a good look at his eyes, because you will see the adorable illusion of his look. These types of actions should always be carried out with the baby without leaving him alone. Special care must be taken that the ornaments are not at their height to prevent them from being handled carelessly.

Walk around town to see the Christmas lights

The streets of the cities are filled with lights of all colors creating a magical Christmas before the eyes of both the elderly and especially the little ones. Taking Christmas walks among the lights will be something endearing that you cannot stop doing. Do not forget to take your camera to reflect this moment.

Family photos

Another essential of any magical Christmas will be the family photos that we take of the little ones alone, or with us or with the whole family. It will be a wonderful memory for everyone.

Magical Christmas that gives time

What your baby will appreciate the most this Christmas is your time with him.

Take advantage of the endearing moments that Christmas offers to dedicate more time to your baby in their routines. Christmas carols can be used as background sounds while you play with your baby.

Magical Christmas and Christmas presents

As you already know, your baby is not yet aware of the meaning of Christmas and much less of the gifts that are crossed between them. As it is inevitable that the family gives gifts to the little one in the house, take advantage of the occasion to be gifts that serve as stimulation or learning, because in addition to helping him in his evolution, they will be the ones that most attract his attention.

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