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Pets and Babies – Tips for a Positive Coexistence

Pets and babies can coexist perfectly but we must take into account a series of factors so that there is compatibility and can not generate problems.

In the first place, it will depend on who arrives home first, if the baby or the pet. In this regard, it is worth differentiating that if the pet is already in our family before the baby arrives, we will have to take special care not to stop performing the routines that we have been doing with our pet. For this it is convenient that before the arrival of the baby, the care of the pet is distributed among all the members of the family.

In the event that the pet becomes part of the family after the baby arrives, we must carefully choose which type of pet is the most appropriate for it to grow up with our baby. Pay attention to the space they are going to share, taking into account that in the case of a dog, it grows very quickly.

When the baby starts to crawl

In this phase in which our baby begins to crawl, to discover new smells and flavors, we must take special care in the hygiene of our home. That the baby does not have access to our pet’s toys, since it is most likely that he will put them in his mouth.

We must take special care since our baby is in the development phase of his immune system and any alteration or lack of hygiene can be harmful for him.

On the other hand, the fact that our baby is already crawling will cause curiosity in the pet that will chase him. It can also get in the baby’s step and can even crush the pet. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of both and teach both to live together.

Can pets and babies live together safely?

As for which pets can be dangerous, experts recommend that children under five years of age avoid having pets such as hedgehogs, hamsters, reptiles or chickens and ducks, which apart from being able to scratch or bite them, also facilitate the spread of salmonella more easily than other pets.

Pets and babies can coexist perfectly, although it will be necessary to avoid in the case of a dog, that the dog’s temperament is adequate to be close to our baby.

If the pet that will live with our baby is a cat, we must take into account a disease that these animals can transmit to our baby. This is the bacterium Bartonella henselae, which is generally transmitted by cat puppies through saliva. Although it is not something serious, because the evolution of this disease is good and in a few weeks it has a simple cure.

The coexistence of pets and babies is compatible, as long as we monitor the behaviors of both and educate them for an optimal coexistence, maximizing hygiene at all times.

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