
Recommended baby shoes in his first steps

First, we recommend that the first steps that our baby takes is doing it barefoot and not with baby shoes, since in this way, the plantar arch is defined little by little and when they reach 2 or 3 years flat feet disappear.

The function of the shoes should be to protect the foot from injury and infection, it is not a tool for learning to walk, and the selection of children’s shoes should be based on the barefoot model.

Putting children’s bare feet in contact with uneven surfaces is a recommendation, since it causes tactile stimuli, pressure, and terrain textures, developing proprioception.

Assuming that the ideal shoe to start walking is … none! It is true that when we go out with our baby it will be necessary to protect their feet with shoes.

We will focus in this post, on the right shoes when the baby starts to walk.

First baby shoes requirements

They should not be too stiff or narrow, because they do not leave the foot free and could cause deformities.

It should be light, flexible, porous, flat and without exaggerated heel lift.

The sides of the shoe must be firm, with a rounded or quadrangular toe, never narrow.

Non-slip and thin sole.

It is preferable that the ankle is free and change size before it begins to press at the front.

The material is usually recommended to be fabric due to its flexibility and breathability, however, if the skin is free of irritating chemical agents, it is the most resistant.


It should be remembered that we should never force the baby to walk ahead of time. Each baby has its own rhythm. Some start very early and go little by little, while others start later and it seems that they almost want to run. Some fall a lot and others hardly fall.

The best shoe is not the most expensive, but the one that best suits our baby’s foot.

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