Sweets in children’s nutrition and health

The sweets are products made from sugars, flours, fats .. Because of their colors, shapes and flavors, they are very attractive to children, but they are not nutritious or healthy.

We refer to both sweet and salty sweets, candies, gummies, worms, hooks, etc …

We should not allow them to get used to consuming them, nor should they be used to reward good behavior. We must avoid these procedures at all costs.

In general, pediatricians recommend delaying the consumption of sweets as much as possible, at least until the child is two years old.

We see the drawbacks from a nutritional as well as a psychological point of view.

Disadvantages of sweets and nuts

They do not provide any essential nutrients and promote tooth decay in addition to providing many calories.

Mainly the contribution of calories damages so that the child loses the appetite at the time of eating foods that are healthy.

On the other hand … did you know that they are one of the main causes of choking in children under 6 years of age?

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics adds that it is absolutely forbidden to give children under 5 or 6 years of age nuts (or hard candies), because if they choke on them they can either suffocate, or cause lung injury from the oil that they distill these products (the nuts).

If you have candy or nuts at home, do not keep them within the reach of children.

From the psychological point of view, if the child gets a treat when he asks for it, he gets used to having his desires satisfied immediately.

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