Toys and accessories to sleep like a baby

Many babies find it difficult to fall asleep and the causes are very varied, fear of the dark and there are those who need to fall asleep together with their favorite doll. In addition to the typical stuffed animals for babies, there are other toys and accessories specially designed to induce babies to sleep and rest.

Stuffed Animals for Babies

Some babies relax to the soft touch of special baby stuffed animals, in different shapes and textures. They can be stuffed animals, or blankets as we usually call them. The name used is “attachment doll”. This link is usually established from eight months and can last up to three or even four years.

Toys and accessories with light

Its main function is to remove fear. There can be them from those that are in a socket and are small lights, to those that are incorporated in a stuffed animal, such as those that illuminate the room with stars and various shapes, including timers. They can also be a crib carousel.

Baby sleeping music

Music for babies, children or adults is an art that induces us to relax and for babies, used in its proper measure, it is necessary for their development. In this case we have toys similar to the previous ones but with the addition that they incorporate soft melodies or also that they have sensors that are activated if they notice that the baby moves.

Doll and blanket

These dolls are made up of an animal’s head attached to a soft blanket. Babies love to grab them from anywhere and it serves as a tranquilizer.

Hammock with or without toys and accessories

The hammocks specially designed for babies following all safety canons, which are placed on the floor and where we lay our baby, can be used at any time we want to have the baby close or to take a nap. It can be simple or have built-in accessories for distraction, games, even musicals.

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