Travel with your baby by car – You have to organize well!

Before starting the trip, you have to check the vehicle and even more if you are going to travel with your baby in the car. We cannot have unforeseen events and even less have to stand in any gutter waiting for the crane, take it to a workshop, sleep in a road hotel without having foreseen it, etc …

The seat of our baby’s car is something that you already have to have prepared and be according to his age, but we are not going to go into that now. We assume that the type of seat you have to carry is fully decided and installed. What we will make sure is that it is perfectly anchored before traveling, and that the seat belts work perfectly.

Company behind to travel with your baby, yes or no?

If there is a possibility that one of the parents, or a brother or a relative is sitting in the back of the vehicle accompanying the baby, we totally recommend it.

During the trip, our little one has unforeseen needs. The pacifier falls out and he cannot pick it up, either because it is still very small or because it is older but cannot find it. You may be hungry or sleepy or just nervous and start crying and there is no way to calm down. He is looking for caresses and if we are in front we cannot give them because road safety is the main thing and we cannot in any way ignore it. Any distraction from the driver must be avoided at all costs. In short, if there is the option, it is preferable that a loved one accompany you traveling in the back.

Toys and accessories

As for toys and accessories, do not forget to bring them or have them if you are going to travel with your baby in the car. We remind you of some of those accessories: rattles, teethers, baby books, pacifiers, his favorite doll with which he usually sleeps and calms down, car carousel, etc. It is not that you put everything within reach, but depending on your needs do not miss you.

Food and drink to travel with your baby

If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother cannot stop taking some accessories that can come in handy in a time of need. Having prepared bottles the day before with breast milk, it is also necessary and take them in the portable refrigerated refrigerator. And if you take a bottle of powdered milk, you will have to prepare the different doses in the milk dispensers the day before. Bring enough water in a thermos, as well as bottled mineral water and a separate bottle of water in case you are thirsty.

If you already take solid foods, either you can take your prepared purees in the appropriate containers and take them in the portable fridge, or those that are already prepared and bought in establishments are also valid. Other foods such as yogurts, fruit, are also necessary for you to bring, as well as the bib and specific cutlery.

Transfer and rest

The necessary accessories necessary to be able to move the baby after the trip will depend on the space you have in the car and on some other factors.

Depending on the destination chosen, it will be necessary to take into account: if they have a cot where you are going to stay, if it is a rustic destination where the stroller is uncomfortable and perhaps the baby carrier is better, etc. In any case, this will need to be prepared in advance , since the adequate transport and sleep of our little one, will make us all enjoy a perfect family vacation, or not.

If you have everything ready … there is only one thing left, and that is to fully enjoy those well-deserved days of rest that together with your baby will be very special.

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