Babies can sleep with fan
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Babies can sleep with fan

An air conditioner is not the same as a fan. Unlike the first one that generates cold air, the fan causes a current of cool air, without cooling the room in the same way as the air conditioner. Ensuring the baby’s rest is a priority and necessary for good physical and cognitive development. A priori,…

Shakes for babies from 6 months
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Shakes for babies from 6 months

Making homemade shakes for babies over 6 months is an excellent way to provide them with a large amount of good nutrients. It is essential that you use anti-colic bottles to drink these shakes, to avoid infant colic, which is a nightmare for many first-time mothers and fathers. Preparation of shakes Preferably use breast milk…

A good diaper essential for baby’s sleep
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A good diaper essential for baby’s sleep

Sleeping is one of the fundamental pillars for the good development of the baby, both physical and cognitive. According to experts, when a baby does not sleep well, they do not have the same predisposition to learning and they do not secrete the right amount of growth hormone. Therefore, it is important as a mother…

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